43 comentarios

  1. Hello Cristina. I see all the videos of social science of WATER. I said to my parents than they musn’t espend a lot of water, because only are a 2% of fresh water in the earth. Thank you for your blog. We love it. Bye

  2. Hello teacher, I’m Daniela I watch all the videos and I love the song of waters so fun .I watch the photo of the class an the song of pirate in the piano, is so fun and so pretty. I love your blog .Kisses Daniela.Mua,Mua,Mua I love you MUA,MUA,MUAM,MUA,MUA,MUAandMUA.I see you tomorrow.

  3. hola Cristina me encanta tu blog y tambien es muy bonito y divertido pero en clase me lo paso mejor que solo mirar tu blog me gusta mucho ingles socia y natural pero me gusta mas hacer arts and crafts y estar con tigo en clase besos de sofia sanchez mua mua

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